Wednesday, 03.04.2024: Afternoon
Arrival is possible from 12:00 noon. There will be coffee and cake on site.
The address is: Steffis Hostel, Alte Eppelheimer Straße 50, 69115 Heidelberg. The hostel is about a 3-minute walk from the main railway station.
Attention! Some of the rooms can only be occupied in the afternoon or evening. However, luggage can be stored on site.
If you want to take part in the excursions, you must be on site by 13:00 at the latest.
Center for Integrative Infectious Disease Research: Frischknecht Lab

The visit to the CIID will start with a presentation of infection research in Heidelberg in the seminar room, which will take about 90 minutes. A general introduction to infection research will be given and selected work on viruses and parasites will be presented. We will then divide into 3-4 smaller groups and visit selected laboratories. There you will be able to take a look through a microscope to see malaria pathogens in blood cells, visit a mosquito breeding centre and look into the parasites using high-resolution microscopes or computer animations.

No wheelchair accessible toilet in the building and some labs may not be wheelchair accessible.
Long standing times are possible, but seating can be brought along.
Kirchhoff-Institute of Physics: Quantum photonics lab of Prof. Pernice

Welcome to a unique opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of our research! Join us on lab tours through the Neuromorphic Quantum Photonics group headed by Prof Dr Wolfram Pernice at the Kirchhoff Institute of Physics. Discover the basics of quantum technology, learn about our research approaches and ask questions directly to our experts.
Whether you are a student, interested in technology or simply curious - these lab tours offer an authentic insight into our work and research methods. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing our knowledge!

You will have to stand for a long time during the tour, but it is possible to bring your own seat with you.

BioQuant is the centre for the quantitative analysis of molecular and cellular biosystems at the University of Heidelberg with the participation of the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Around 30 theoretical and experimental research groups work at the interface between biosciences, mathematics, computer sciences, biomedicine, physics and chemistry. The focus is on the mathematical modelling of cellular processes with reference to medically relevant topics such as gene regulation and repair, cellular signal transmission, immunobiology, cell mechanics and tumour cell biology (
During their visit to BioQuant, juFORUM Congress participants will gain insights into scientific work in the fields of molecular cell biology, systems biology, synthetic biology, biophysics and systems medicine through lectures, guided tours of working groups and interactive elements.

We will go to the restaurant Kicho at 18:30.
Address for people arriving later: Hebelstraße 3, 69115 Heidelberg.
Thursday, 04.04.2024: Morning
Roche, Mannheim:

As Roche's third-largest site, Mannheim plays an important role for both the diagnostics and pharmaceuticals divisions of the Group. We develop products for people with diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, such as coagulation systems and solutions for effective diabetes management - from blood glucose monitoring to insulin administration. In Mannheim, we also manufacture innovative cancer drugs and important products for in-vitro diagnostics. These include, for example, liquid reagents, test strips for point-of-care diagnostics and blood glucose strips, which are supplied from Mannheim all over the world. One of the three centres of excellence for parenteral drugs in the Roche Group is located in Mannheim.
The close cooperation between the diagnostics and pharmaceutical divisions is an important success factor: they form the basis for personalised medicine - for a longer life and a better quality of life for patients.

Institute of Environmental Physics: Prof Butz's atmospheric physics group

As part of the tour, we will provide insights into the measurement of greenhouse gases and trace substances in the air. We will show you why an understanding of atmospheric chemistry is extremely important for our times: our journey through remote sensing will take us from greenhouse gases to air pollutants to ozone-depleting substances. We will learn how measurement networks indirectly prevent us from dying of skin cancer and how, for example, satellites monitor the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters. Afterwards, we will take a tour of the instruments at our institute that are not currently on campaign, and we will also take a look at the rooftop laboratory.

Toilets for people with disabilities are only available in neighbouring buildings.
During the tour we will also visit the roof platform of the institute. This is not wheelchair accessible and a head for heights is required. However, it is also possible to wait below for about 15 minutes.
It is required to stand for a long time during the tour, but 1-2 folding chairs are available on site.
BASF, Ludwigshafen:

The best way to experience BASF and chemistry is on site. BASF invites 25 participants of the juFORUM Congress to a half-day guided tour of the world's largest chemical site. The programme includes an introduction to our multimedia exhibition, a tour of the plant and a visit to a production facility.

Sure-footedness is required.
It is required to stand for long periods on site.
Sturdy, closed shoes and long-sleeved clothing are mandatory.
Living Lab and Fraunhofer IPA:
This program point will be in the morning and the afternoon.

10:00 - 10:15 Welcome and presentation of the day's programme
Session 1: Being a startup and founding
10:15 - 10:30 Presentation of the Cubex and MMT Cluster
10:30 - 10:45 Life Science Accelerator and start-up topics
10:45 - 11:00 Startup
11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break
Session 2: Real-world laboratories on the UMM campus
11:15 - 11:30 INSPIRE platform
11:30 - 11:45 UX Lab
11:45 - 12:00 Fraunhofer Hybrid-OP
12:00 - 12:15 INSPIRE Living Lab
12:15 - 12:45 Break with snacks and networking
Session 3: Research examples at the UMM
12:45 - 13:00 M²OLIE
13:00 - 13:15 Rescue network 5G
13:15 - 13:30 TEDIAS
Session 4: Visit of the real-world laboratories
13:30 - 14:00 Hybrid OR
14:00 - 14:30 Usability Lab

The main event with the lectures is barrier-free. The on-site visits to the hospital may not be barrier-free or may only be accessible via detours. As the locations have to be reached on foot, sure-footedness is necessary here.
Please remember to bring umbrellas in case of rain, as we will be outside at times.
Sure-footedness is required and sometimes you will have to stand for a long time.
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research:

The Max Planck Institute for Medical Research is located at the heart of scientific research in Heidelberg, directly at the entrance to Neuenheimer Feld, the campus for natural sciences and the university hospital. At our institute, physicists, chemists and biologists create knowledge that is relevant to basic biomedical research in the long term. The aim of our work is to observe and manipulate the immensely complex molecular and cellular interactions that underlie all life.
During the visit, the young researchers will gain insights into current research projects and have the opportunity to exchange ideas with doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. What does it mean to do research at Max Planck, what topics are we interested in and how do we fulfil our social responsibility? We also take a look into the past: at the great moments of brilliant researchers at the Institute, but also the darker side of research and the expulsion of employees during the NS era.

Closed shoes and long trousers are mandatory.
Max Planck Institute of Astronomy:

We start in the Klaus Tschira Auditorium of the HdA. There we give an insight into current research projects. This is followed by a short demonstration in the digital planetarium of the House of Astronomy. During the tour, we will show you exhibits relating to research at the institutes on the Königstuhl. The historical telescopes of the State Observatory can also be viewed as part of the tour.

One part of the programme is visually demanding
Surefootedness is required. There are places that can only be reached via stairs (30-minute programme).
German Cancer Research Center:

With more than 3,000 employees, the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) is Germany’s largest biomedical research institute. DKFZ scientists identify cancer risk factors, investigate how cancer progresses and develop new cancer prevention strategies. They are also developing new methods to diagnose tumors more precisely and treat cancer patients more successfully. The DKFZ's Cancer Information Service (KID) provides patients, interested citizens and experts with individual answers to questions relating to cancer.
To transfer promising approaches from cancer research to the clinic and thus improve the prognosis of cancer patients, the DKFZ cooperates with excellent research institutions and university hospitals throughout Germany:
National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT, 6 sites)
German Cancer Consortium (DKTK, 8 sites)
Hopp Children's Cancer Center (KiTZ) Heidelberg
Helmholtz Institute for Translational Oncology (HI-TRON Mainz) - A Helmholtz Institute of the DKFZ
DKFZ-Hector Cancer Institute at the University Medical Center Mannheim
National Cancer Prevention Center (jointly with German Cancer Aid)
The DKFZ is 90 percent financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and 10 percent by the state of Baden-Württemberg. The DKFZ is a member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers.

Alstom, Mannheim:

As a pioneer of a low-carbon future, Alstom develops and markets mobility solutions that form the sustainable basis for the future of transport. Our product portfolio ranges from high-speed trains, metros, monorails and trams to integrated systems, customised services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions.
Alstom is the leading company in the mobility sector, solving the most interesting challenges for tomorrow's mobility.
As part of this event, we will be presenting the Alstom site in Mannheim with a focus on Traxx locomotive technology. A special highlight will be a tour of the engineering laboratories.

You will have to stand for a long time, but it is possible to bring you own seat with you.
Greetings from Mayor Raoul Schmidt-Lamontain
Presentation d-fine: Combatting fraud in the German healthcare system

Authorities estimate damages around or above 10 billion € annually due to fraud and waste in the German healthcare system, causing significant financial pressure. In this talk we outline how d-fine supports its’ clients in the public healthcare domain with bespoke machine learning solutions for fraud detection. As a particular example, we present the results of a project for fraud detection in the context of non-emergency patient transportation services for a large German statutory health insurance.

Presentation EMA Indutec:

Highly stressed components require particularly high-quality material properties. The components for gear wheels, knives, shafts and the like are heat-treated. As the name suggests, heat treatment is carried out using thermal energy. Depending on the component, it can be processed in an oven or inductively. The advantage of the inductive approach is a component-specific and energetically very flexible process.
The tool for inductive heat treatment is an inductor and a shower. The inductor is a copper conductor through which an electric current flows. Alternating current is used here. The shower head supplies the quenching medium to quench the component in a targeted manner. In the case of carbon steel, this approach can be used to produce hard material structures close to the edge layer, known as martensite.
In addition to hardening, there are also numerous applications for inductive heating or even melting of metals and other electrically conductive materials. Each of the applications has different requirements for the geometry of the inductors and also for the current and frequency.
EMA Indutec has been a leader in the development and construction of hardening systems for 75 years, as well as in the research, development, production and optimisation of the energy supply for induction processes. Against the background of rising energy prices, every per cent improvement in efficiency is a major competitive advantage.

Dinner at the restaurant Bräustadel
Friday, 05.04.2024: Morning:
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment KATRIN

The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment (KATRIN) is an international project in basic physics research. Behind it lies one of the greatest mysteries of natural science, namely whether neutrinos have a mass. Neutrinos are the lightest, most common, but also the most mysterious particles in our universe. They are electrically neutral and only interact with their environment via gravity and the so-called weak nuclear force. Until recently, neutrinos were described as massless particles in the standard model of particle physics. In recent decades, however, observations of atmospheric and solar neutrinos have shown that neutrinos do have a small mass. However, the size of the mass is still unknown. The KATRIN experiment is used to determine the neutrino mass.
The tour shows a large part of the 70 metre long facility, which also houses the world's largest vacuum container. Beforehand, we explain in a mini-lecture why the neutrino mass is so interesting and what effort is required to measure it. The guided tours are given by participating scientists, who can also provide information on the latest results.

You have to stand for longer periods of time
Center for Integrative Infectious Disease Research: Collaborative Research Centre TRR179

Infections with hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV, HCV) have a major impact on the healthcare system worldwide. They are among the most widespread human viral infections, which also have a high tendency to persist. The TRR179 is a consortium in which the three partner sites Heidelberg, Freiburg and Munich have joined forces to decipher the interactions between immunological and virological parameters and their dynamics that determine the course of a hepatitis virus infection. Although the research program focuses on a specific group of medically highly relevant viruses, the discovered virological and immunological principles and mechanisms are highly likely to be transferable to chronic infections with other pathogens and also during the Corona pandemic we were able to make helpful contributions to the population by transferring our knowledge to other viruses.
At the event, we will present the TRR179 ( and offer a guided tour of the imaging facility ( so that participants can get an idea of the techniques used to investigate the determinants and dynamics of elimination and persistence of hepatitis virus infection, among other things.

Standing for longer periods of time is required.
In order to participate in this excursion, you must not be pregnant.
A declaration of consent must be signed at the beginning of the tour.
Minimum age: 18 years.
EMA Indutec:

EMA Indutec, with its 100 employees, has been based in the Odenwald near Heidelberg for over 75 years.
The product range includes converters and hardening systems for melting, heating and hardening components. We utilise induction technology, which enables metallic components to be heated using magnetic fields.
Have you ever cooked with an induction cooker? We use the same physical principle for our customers.
In order to be able to offer energy-efficient and customised solutions, we are constantly researching and developing current solutions and testing new solutions and concepts.
We build core components on site, others are supplied. The assembly and testing of each system is carried out on special stands by specialised personnel in electronics, mechanics and process engineering.
For our hardening systems, component-specific processes are developed, run in, optimised and then handed over to the customer together with the system.
Once the hardening systems or inverters are on site, customers often ask us to come by and service or expand the system. This is carried out by service technicians with a wealth of experience at the customer's premises.
We provide training in mechanical and electrical professions. We would be pleased to welcome you to an on-site excursion.

Sure-footedness is necessary. You need to be able to stand for a long time.
Closed shoes are required.
Cluster 3D Matter made to Order:

3D printed biomaterials:
3D printing can be used to structure a wide variety of materials, from glass to plastic. At the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM), we will provide insights into various high-end 3D printing methods. We will also present interdisciplinary applications from microrobotics to life sciences and medicine. The workshop will be rounded off with a lab tour.

You will have to stand for a long time, but you can bring a chair.
Some laboratories may not be wheelchair accessible.
Institute of Computer Engineering: Prof Masia's exoskeleton working group

ARIES (Assistive Robotics and Interactive Ergonomic Systems) Lab is a cutting-edge research facility led by Professor Masia. Nestled at the forefront of technological innovation, ARIES Lab is a dynamic space where young researchers converge to explore the realms of rehabilitation robotics, human augmentation, and haptics.
ARIES Lab is a hub of creativity and scientific inquiry, fostering an environment where groundbreaking ideas are transformed into tangible advancements. Our mission is to push the boundaries of technology to enhance human capabilities, particularly in the fields of motor assistance and augmentation.
Upon entering ARIES Lab, visitors are greeted by an immersive exhibition showcasing the culmination of our research efforts. The spotlight of the exhibition is on our revolutionary exosuits, soft wearable robotic devices designed to augment and support human movement. These exosuits represent a seamless integration of cutting-edge control algorithms, sensors, actuators and knowledge of biomechanics.
The ARIES Lab exosuits are not merely technological marvels; they are the embodiment of our commitment to improving the quality of life for individuals facing mobility challenges. Visitors to the lab will have the opportunity to witness firsthand the transformative impact of these devices through interactive demonstrations and presentations.
Link to the lab page:

You have to stand for a long time, but you can bring a chair.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: Aerosol and cloud chamber AIDA

Aerosols and their interaction with clouds remain the biggest unknown in the climate system and limit our ability to predict future climate.
The Aerosol and Cloud Laboratory AIDA (Aerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere) investigates the fundamentals of aerosol and cloud microphysics. These are often highly non-linear processes, such as the formation of cloud ice, which are not yet sufficiently well implemented in weather and climate models. For this purpose, the researchers have a large cloud simulation chamber at their disposal, which allows them to simulate and research such processes in international measurement campaigns under realistic conditions.
The visit to the AIDA facility provides a basic understanding of aerosol and cloud physics and demonstrates the AIDA facility and the other experimental set-ups arranged around it. It will be possible to follow the generation of a laboratory cloud live.

Sure-footedness is required.
You have to stand for a long time.
Closed shoes are compulsory.
Collins Aerospace:

Collins Aerospace in Germany serves a global customer base that includes aircraft and helicopter manufacturers, military ground and naval vehicle manufacturers, business jet operators and all branches of German and international armed forces. The company’s workforce provides services and solutions across the board, including engineering, production, repair, and customer support.
The Heidelberg facility is considered a European Center of Excellence, for space wheels and avionics for fighter jets.
It produces Collins Aerospace TELDIX® Space Wheels that can be found on the James Webb Space Telescope and is the only site outside the U.S. with the security clearances necessary to conduct repairs on specific technical terminals.
In addition, most German and European armored ground vehicles rely on fire protection systems from Collins’ facilities in Heidelberg and also in Ratingen to protect soldiers’ lives.
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS):

No wheelchair accessible toilet in the building and some labs may not be wheelchair accessible. Long standing times possible, but seating can be brought along.
The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) conducts basic research in the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science. The main areas of research include complex simulations on various scales, data science and analysis as well as the development of computer-aided tools for research. The fields of application range from molecular biology to astrophysics.
A key feature of the institute is its interdisciplinarity, which is realised in numerous cross-group and cross-disciplinary projects ( .
This interdisciplinarity will also be the focus of your visit on 5 April: Two scientists - one each from astrophysics and the life sciences - will report on their research projects.
Finally, a member of the development team will present the board game "Habitable", in which the aim is to make planets sustainably habitable and to enable and develop life on them. What sets the strategy game "Habitable" apart from many other board games is that it is based entirely on scientific findings - from astronomy, but also from climate research (

Sure-footedness and sturdy shoes are only necessary if participants wish to take part in the subsequent garden tour.
Utilities Heidelberg: Energy park Pfaffengrund:

You will have to stand for a long time during the tour, but you can bring a seat with you.
The ENERGIEpark is the most important place where the energy transition is taking place in Heidelberg: This is where Stadtwerke Heidelberg is implementing many building blocks from its Energy Concept 2030, with which it is achieving the energy and, in particular, heating transition on site. A wood-fired combined heat and power plant with solar panels on the roof and façade, several biomethane cogeneration units, a carport with a solar roof, a power-to-heat system and a cooling centre for the climate-friendly supply of cooling have already been built on the site. The energy and future storage facility has also been in operation since 2021: the buffer storage facility ensures that the energy system is more flexible and that the proportion of renewable energies in heidelberg WÄRME, the district heating product of Stadtwerke Heidelberg, can continue to increase. Together with the power-to-heat plant, it enables electricity from these renewable energies to be converted into heat and stored in the form of hot water on windy and sunny days. In addition, the innovative combined heat and power plants, combined with three large air-water heat pumps, went into regular operation this summer. More information on the Energy Concept 2030 at
Also to be seen in the ENERGY Park: flowering willows and lots of bees; ENERGY Park honey is produced in their hives at the wood-fired combined heat and power plant, which Stadtwerke Heidelberg sells in its ENERGY shop at Hauptstraße 120.

You have to stand for a long time.
Sturdy shoes are required.
Presentation TNG Technology Consulting: Agile Methods – From Software Development to Academic Writing and Research

Want to improve your research process and productivity? Agile methods, successful in software development, can be applied to academic writing and research. In this talk, Software consultants from TNG Technology Consulting with a background in Physics and Chemistry will discuss how agile principles and practices can be transferred from software development to the academic world, and how they can help you overcome common challenges in academic research. For the start, we will present the agile approaches and then discuss how to break down projects into manageable tasks, how to prioritize them, and create a project plan that aligns with your objectives. We'll cover how to track progress and stay on track using agile methods and will also have plenty of time to discuss your experience and questions.

Presentation On course for growth - rethinking employee selection, onboarding & training

The SAP consulting company GmbH is characterised by innovative approaches to employee selection and development and has recorded a steep growth curve in terms of employees and new locations in Germany and Austria in recent years. In the application process, it is particularly important that motivation and passion are the decisive criteria rather than an academic background. At GmbH, there is a particular focus on the welcoming culture for career changers, trainees and participants in retraining programmes. The company's own case study offers an innovative selection and onboarding strategy, in which familiarisation with the ABAP programming language takes place independently and is then applied in an on-site case study. After successful recruitment, an intensive, modular trainee programme (1 - 3 months) begins. Leonard Jäger will be happy to provide you with more information and insights into the company and the innovative training strategy.

Dinner at Cafe Villa in the old town
Saturday, 06.04.2024: Morning:
Startup-Day in Bad Schönborn
Have you always wanted to know what it's like to set up a company? Or what barriers there are?
Are you interested in how a spin-off from academia works? Or have you always wanted to talk to experienced founders?
Or do you just want to improve your public speaking skills?
Then this programme is just right for you!
We will be travelling to Pionix in Bad Schönborn for a morning full of workshops and presentations.
As part of a bar camp, you will be able to discuss topics related to founding with experienced founders (some of them from our organisation). Which topics? That depends entirely on your interests. The barcamp will be moderated by Lukas Mertens, who founded his first company on his 18th birthday.
There will also be the following presentations and workshops:
- Christos Klamouris, AXEL - Der Energie-Startup-Accelerator: How can I combat climate change by starting a business?
- Marco Möller, Pionix: Grandpa tells his story from Jugend Forscht to serial founder: What happens when you say "no" too rarely
- Johanna Claussen, Pionix: Financial planning for startups - practical workshop
- Steffen Marquardt, Simon Ogbamicael, Ralf Schneider, iSAX GmbH: What skilled workers will tomorrow's digital IT need? - Requirements for employees and employers
- Sebastian Heister, Senior Research Engineer, Collins Aerospace: Collins Aerospace – Redefining Aerospace
- Felix Schneider, innoWerft: How to Networking Event
- Thomas Prexl, Heidelberg Startup Partners: Pitch training with a focus on rhetoric
- Frederik Haas, Volksbank Kurpfalz eG: How can I raise money for my idea?
A detailed description will follow in the next few weeks.
In addition, the participants will be welcomed by the Parlamentary Secretary of State of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science Dr. Jens Brandenburg.

Invited talks and workshops:
How can I combat climate change by starting a business?
Christos Klamouris, AXEL - Der Energie-Startup-Accelerator
The society needs more courageous young people who respond to the challenges of the energy transition with entrepreneurial spirit and visions, as well as solid expertise. Individuals who dare to establish their own company within a team, developing and distributing products/services, creating new jobs, and enhancing technological capabilities and international competitiveness. Christos Klamouris is a Senior Project Manager at fokus.energie e.V. and is responsible for the Energy Startup Accelerator AXEL, as well as supporting the startup teams.
Language: German or English
How to Networking Event
Felix Schneider, innoWerft
Networking events play a decisive role in the success of start-ups. They offer a unique platform for the exchange of ideas, forging important business relationships and access to potential investors.
This workshop is designed to provide (future) founders and all those for whom networking events are important, the necessary tools to get the best possible out of the events and achieve their goals there. The workshop takes you through the various phases of a networking event: from thorough preparation and successful action during the event through to effective follow-up.
Furthermore practical tips and personal experiences will be shared to help help to avoid common mistakes and to move confidently at networking networking events.
In the workshop, participants will interactively develop elements that they can elements that they can use directly to make their networking at the JuFORUM Congress as effectively as possible.
Language: German or English
Pitch training
Thomas Prexl, Heidelberg Startup Partners
An effective pitch in front of investors or customers is not only created by what you say, but also by how you say it. The choice of the right words, the tone of voice, the dynamics and the targeted use of pauses can make the subtle but decisive difference between a convincing presentation and a monotonous monologue.
Language: German
How to raise money for my idea?
Frederik Haas, Volksbank Kurpfalz eG
We will give insights into an investor-financed startup:
- What is important?
- How can I find an investor?
- How can I interact with him?
Language: German
What skilled workers will tomorrow's digital IT need? - Requirements for employees and employers
Steffen Marquardt, Simon Ogbamicael, Ralf Schneider, iSAX
Through digitization, our working world is changing. These effects are most noticeable in the IT sector. Tasks are constantly evolving and becoming more demanding, requiring increasing flexibility from those involved. How compatible is this development with the needs of companies and their employees? What minds and qualifications does tomorrow's digital IT require? And what do young talents and committed companies expect from each other? In the workshop, we will delve into these questions together with you.
Come and join us! In small groups, we establish connections to real IT projects, examine real requirements by way of example, and provide you with concrete best practices to achieve your perfect match in the application process.
Language: German
Collins Aerospace – Redefining Aerospace
Sebastian Heister, Senior Research Engineer, Collins Aerospace
Collins Aerospace in Germany serves a global customer base that includes aircraft and helicopter manufacturers, military ground and naval vehicle manufacturers, business jet operators and all branches of German and international armed forces. The company’s workforce provides services and solutions across the board, including engineering, production, repair, and customer support.
The Heidelberg facility is considered a European Center of Excellence, for space wheels and avionics for fighter jets.
It produces Collins Aerospace TELDIX® Space Wheels that can be found on the James Webb Space Telescope and is the only site outside the U.S. with the security clearances necessary to conduct repairs on specific technical terminals.
In addition, most German and European armored ground vehicles rely on a fire protection system from Collins’ facilities in Heidelberg and also in Ratingen to protect soldiers’ lives.
Content: Introduce company, Who are we: Collins Aerospace & Collins Heidelberg, more information about Flight Mission Computer, Space Wheels, Nav Hub, generic information and what is the share of Collins Heidelberg, tbd: show Collins Heidelberg Capability Video, Time for questions.
Language: English
Financial planning for startups - practical workshop
Johanna Claussen, Pionix
In addition to many other things, solid financial planning is very important to make a start-up a success. In this workshop, I will give you an overview of our financial spreadsheet, which we have been using successfully in our two start-ups for almost 15 years. We will adapt the spreadsheet to a fictitious company and you can ask all your questions.
Language: German
Grandpa tells his story from Jugend Forscht to serial founder: What happens when you say "no" too rarely
Marco Möller, Pionix
Marco will talk about how his time as a board member at juFORUM shaped him and, above all, how it helped him to get to know his later co-founders. He will also talk about what it's like when your own company is suddenly bought by Intel and why he started the next company straight after the exit. So you can look forward to lots of anecdotes and experiences from the life of a serial founder!
Language: German
Annual General Meeting of the juFORUM e.V.
Members' meeting at the premises of Pionix GmbH in Bad Schönborn.
Non-members have the opportunity to explore Heidelberg on their own.

Party at the Cafe Leitstelle

Sunday, 07.04.2024: Morning:
Brunch at Urban Kitchen
Geological tour with Prof. Ingmar Unkel

The aim of the excursion is to gain an overview of the landscape history of Heidelberg and the surrounding area from the Variscan mountain formation (approx. 400-250 million years ago) to the present day. The focus will be on geological-tectonic and geomorphological development: at the castle, we will take a look back through a time window to a Sahara-like desert that existed here before the dinosaurs. We find out how and when the rocks from which Heidelberg Castle was built were formed. And we will travel to the ice-age tundra and take a look at the site where loess, deposits from dust storms and one of the most fertile soils in the world, was first described exactly 200 years ago (1823).
Sure-footedness is essential. You have to stand for a long time.
Sturdy shoes and, depending on the weather, rainwear (we will also hike in the rain!).
Historical tour of the city and castle:

The oldest part of Heidelberg has much more to offer than just the Old Bridge, the picturesque alleyways and the unique view of the world's most famous ruins. The Old Town is lined with dreamy squares, and people of all ages and from all over the world meet in the many small cafés and pubs and a unique cultural offering attracts visitors to museums and theatres.
The second act takes you up to Heidelberg Castle. In addition to an outside tour, you will visit the inner courtyard and the famous Great Barrel. After the tour, you can visit the German Pharmacy Museum and then use your castle ticket to enjoy the ride on the mountain railway back to the Old Town (Kornmarkt valley station).
A lot of standing is required.
Part of the Old Town is barrier-free, but with cobblestones. Castle not barrier-free.
Field trip in German:

Field trip in English:

Both flags: language will depend on the participants.
Other information:
Wheel chair accessible:

Loud noise:

Flashing lights:

Strong magnetic fields: